I have my eye on the Acer Iconia A500: it's a snazzy Android tablet at a nice price, with lots of connectivity. The micro HDMI port is a major selling point for me,because I want to use it for playback of video projections for my performances.
But before I buy, I need to know that there's a good Android video player app out there that can 1) play videos from a playlist, and 2) transition seamlessly between videos. Any recommendations? Specifically: I need to be able to line up a list of 5-10 video clips, play them in a defined sequence, and be assured that the transitions between clips will be clean -- i.e., I don't want to see even a momentary flash of the player controls, the tablet home screen, or anything else. (A black screen for up to 5 seconds or so between videos would be fine.) I'll be sending the tablet's video output to a projector, and anything other than black appearing onscreen during the transitions would ruin the vibe I need to create.
If you know of any players that meet these requirements, do tell! Bonus points if you know they actually work on the A500 (which currently runs Android 3.1, I believe). Thanks in advance!
If you know of any players that meet these requirements, do tell! Bonus points if you know they actually work on the A500 (which currently runs Android 3.1, I believe). Thanks in advance!